How to Know If You’re Non-Binary? Genderqueer Identities Explained

Do you feel like you don’t quite fit into the gender binary? Are you questioning your gender identity? Today, we will discuss what gender is, and how to know if you’re non-binary! Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • There is no one-size-fits-all way to tell if you’re non-binary.
  • Non binary people may present masculine, feminine or androgynous. 
  • You can still be nonbinary even if a part of you is one of the binary gender (demi-boy or demi-girl).

What Does Non-Binary Mean?

What Does Non-Binary Mean

Non-binary is a term used to describe those who have a gender identity that falls outside the “traditional” binary categories of male and female. Non-binary individuals may identify as both male and female, somewhere in between, or completely different.

What Pronouns Do Nonbinary People Use?

People who identify as nonbinary may use a variety of pronouns, including they/them, ze/zir, or even just using their name instead of a pronoun. Some keep the pronouns they’ve been using their whole life, while others may switch to new ones as they explore their gender identity. Some also use both he/him and she/her as their pronouns – it’s a matter of how they feel most comfortable.

How to Know If You’re Non-Binary?

There isn’t a clear answer to: “how to know if you’re non-binary.” It’s a personal journey of self-discovery and exploration. Some may know their gender identity from a young age, while others may not realize it until later in life. Trust your own feelings and instincts, and don’t be afraid to experiment with how you express your gender.

It’s worth noting that being non-binary isn’t a requirement to challenge gender stereotypes and societal norms. Anyone can do that, regardless of their gender identity. Some cis women prefer masculine or gender-neutral clothing, and some cis men may prefer feminine clothing and make-up.

So how you dress or present yourself doesn’t necessarily determine your gender identity. Not every androgynous person is non-binary – it’s about what feels right to them inside.

How to Know If You're Non-Binary

Non-Binary vs. Genderqueer vs. Genderfluid

There is a lot of confusion and overlap between non-binary, genderqueer, and genderfluid identities. Genderqueer is often used as an umbrella term for anyone who falls outside the gender binary or who is still discovering their identity. 

Genderfluid people experience gender as ever-changing. And while gender itself is fluid, and may change regardless of being genderfluid, the change is the constant part of genderfluid identities. 

Non-Binary vs. Binary Transgender

Non-Binary vs. Binary Transgender

By definition, non-binary is interlinked with being transgender. The difference lies in the binary factor. Transgender people are “the opposite” of their gender assigned at birth. For example, a transgender man is someone assigned female at birth (AFAB) who is a male. Non-binary people are not the gender they were assigned at birth, nor are they “the opposite.”

People who identify as transgender may be non-binary, but the two terms are not necessarily interchangeable. You shouldn’t make assumptions, and if you’re not confused, just ask about their pronouns. Many trans or genderqueer people suffer from mental health issues and discrimination, and we ought to treat them with respect and acceptance.

Editor’s Note

I used quotations marks while referring to “the opposite” gender because it’s not a fact, but more of the common perception of gender. Being a female and being a male have been pitched against each other for decades, and so many people see them as opposites. It is also something binary transgender people may experience, as in being the opposite of what the papers, family or society tells them they are. 

What Is Binary Gender?

To fully grasp how to know if you’re non-binary, one needs to understand what gender actually is. Binary genders are male and female. 

Gender roles are the societal expectations and norms regarding how people should act, dress, and behave. They can vary across cultures and change over time. Gender expression is how someone presents their gender, and gender identity is how someone internally experiences their gender.

Gender roles, expression and identity are only seemingly similar; the way you are “expected” to behave and dress is not your gender. Sometimes, the way one expresses themselves doesn’t have to be their gender, either. Think, for example, a closeted transgender girl. She might be expressing herself as a male to prioritize her safety. 

Keep in mind that people identifying as non-binary do not owe it to anyone to never be feminine or masculine. Even if they “comply” with the gender roles of their gender assigned at birth, their non-binary identity is still valid.

Do Non-Binary People Experience Gender Dysphoria?

Gender dysphoria refers to discomfort or distress caused by a mismatch between one’s physical sex and how they feel inside. It can lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Non-binary people can experience gender dysphoria, but not all of them do. Some are perfectly fine with the bodies they have and may not feel any discomfort. Others may experience dysphoria in some aspects of their body and gender identity, while still others may feel dysphoric about the role society expects them to play.


How to know if you’re non-binary? There isn’t a scientific answer or one-size-fits-all solution – your gender is a personal journey of self-discovery. No matter how you identify, remember that you deserve love and acceptance.

How to Know If You’re Non-Binary: FAQs

How to Know If You're Non-Binary FAQs

How Do I Know If I Have Non-Binary Dysphoria?

Non-binary dysphoria often manifests through negative self-image, and strong dislike or even hatred towards one’s body. It also entails depression, anxiety and self-harm tendencies. 

What Are Good Nonbinary Names?

Nonbinary names are usually the ones that don’t give away a person’s gender assigned at birth. Popular ones are: Sam, Alex, Deb, Bobby, and Rain. Though, we think the best ones are: Kai, Ali, Tony, Quincy, and Briar. 

What Age Does Gender Identity Develop?

Most often, gender identity is developed around the age of 2. Some children take longer, and for some, the gender notion is fluid from a very early childhood. 

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